Why we should start cooperation?

I receive a lot of offers of cooperation. My default response is “I’m not interested” unless you have something UNIQUE to offer my readers.

1. Credibility

The most important thing for me is credibility.

I am only interested in brands that can PROVE their credibility.
With low credibility, you can promise me millions of dollars, which multiplied by zero will still give zero…

1.1. Every new brand is risky

Cooperation with new brands (operating on the market for less than 5 years) is very risky in my eyes.
I must have a very good reason (good base credibility + niche USP) to be interested in such a brand.

I am interested the most in these brands who have high stake limits.
For me, it is an indicator of high quality service and a promising factor for long-term operation.

1.2. Factors that increase credibility for me

TASK 1 of 3:
Prepare for me a list of factors that increase the credibility of your brand.

Examples of factors that increase credibility for me:


  • identity-verifiable persons on the company’s management board
  • reliable people in the team whose identity can be verified (e.g. on linkedin)
  • own team of odds makers
  • willingness to mediate (and then keep your word in practice)


  • known source of money
  • sports betting as the first product
  • not too easy welcome bonus terms
  • low rate margin


  • USP created
  • sponsorship of sports clubs
  • ambassadors
  • good practice certificates
  • awards, seals, distinctions


  • time on the market 2+ or 3+ or 5+ years in sportsbetting
  • good feedback from players
  • bad reviews do not address critical credibility factors

If a given factor cannot be objectively verified, it does not exist for me.

After receiving the list, I will also look for factors that work against your brand.
I take my 20-year reputation very seriously.

Public information will be published in a review.
Confidential information will not be disclosed.

1.3. Condition: Mediation process available

I am looking for bookmakers who are ready to mediate, in the event of a dispute between the player and the bookmaker.

One of the conditions for new cooperation is the possibility of conducting mediation between the injured player – SureBety.pl – the new brand.
In the case of current cooperation, if I receive a complaint from a player, I am assigned a person on the bookmaker’s side who will help me explain the source of the dispute.
My role in this matter is neutral: I am not on the side of the player or the bookmaker. I’m trying to restore communication. If an agreement is not possible, I refer the player to the Supervisory Authority.


  1. It usually starts with a player’s email complaint.
  2. I contact the bookmaker (email/skype) with a request to comment on the situation to the extent that the bookmaker wants to comment.
  3. If the form of mediation does not lead to a solution, I direct the player to the formal path of lodging a complaint.
  4. I am trying to monitor the further course of the dispute. However, I expect both parties to be notified when the dispute is resolved.
  5. A significant number of unsolved complaints can reduce the credibility of the bookmaker.

2. USP

I am ONLY looking for reliable bookmakers for long-term cooperation.

I expect from new collaborations that the new brand will stand out on the market (marketing called it USP = Unique Selling Proposition) among hundreds of other brands.
If you offer the same thing as everyone else, why should a player choose your offer and become loyal to you?

Without good USP, there will be no good cooperation, so I prefer not to start it at all in such a case.

  1. I prefer to promote brands that do not have clones.
    In my opinion, brands that dilute their quality across multiple brands focus primarily on marketing rather than on the value conveyed to players.
  2. For brands with clones, it only describes the main brand and I provide a list of clones below the review.

TASK 2 of 3:
Prepare for me a list of factors that describes your USP on the market for Polish players.
I will use it in the review of your Brand to distinguish you from other bookmakers already described.

3. Target of client

What is your client target?

  1. Which players you DON’T WANT to have?
  2. What is your politics about stake limits for pro punters?
  3. I am interested the most in those who do not apply stake limits to players (it’s discrimination from my point of view).

SureBety.pl is the sportsbetting educational website in Poland.
And we are the best in it.

O nas

Our players are more difficult to beat compared to the market average.
However, we have still a large percentage of recreational players who are just starting their adventure with bookmaking.

If you want to exclude certain types of players (e.g. arbitrage players), I would like to know about this before the first complaint comes to me.
The list of unwanted groups will appear in the brand review.

TASK 3 of 3:
Write me which type od players you don’t want and what is your politics about putting stake limits?

4. Gambling sector

I have been operating in the gambling industry since 2004. Sports betting sector conditions are getting worse for players year after year. New gambling companies are created all the time, registered in Curacao, which then disappear along with the customers’ money. A slightly more reliable jurisdiction is Malta, but the effect is often similar.

Real bookmakers” (who employ their own odds compilers rather than purchasing a ready-made set of odds) are the rare thing I appreciate (high position in the ranking). I prefer cooperation with bookmakers for professional players over cooperation with bookmakers for recreational players. Nevertheless, I also cooperate with the latter, if they are reliable.

5. Bookmakers ranking

Due to legal restrictions in Poland, foreign bookmakers are only featured in the logged-in area (password: surebety):

Bukmacherzy dla Polaków – szeroka lista


If you are interested in cooperation, please send me an e-mail with the above information (tasks), which is necessary for me to continue the process of starting cooperation.

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SureBety.pl ciasteczkują: polityka prywatności.